by Gendro | Oct 25, 2023 | Media, Podcast
25 October 2023 Throughout almost all of medical history, it was assumed that the average white male response to drug trials could be extrapolated to all potential recipients. But when we look at the poorer health outcomes for women and minorities, could the...
by Gendro | Jan 12, 2022 | Podcast
12 January 2022 The podcast discusses the often overlooked issue of gender representation in medical research, particularly focusing on HIV trials and pharmacological studies. Dr. Heidari, founding president of GENDRO, and her team conducted a systematic review...
by Gendro | Jun 14, 2020 | Podcast
14 June 2020 How are inequality and discrimination shaping data about COVID-19, and who is being left invisible and uncounted? On the launch of her new book on data and human rights, Sara (Meg) Davis speaks to social worker and rights activist Jolovan Wham in...