Webinar: Why sex- and gender-based analysis matters in public health 

15 June 2021 | Organiser : Canadian Public Health Association

This webinar offered an overview of the purpose of Sex and Gender Based Analysis (SGBA), its application to public health, and provided an overview of some key examples from a forthcoming book on SBGA in Public Health (https://www.springer.com/us/book/9783…) edited by Jacqueline Gahagan, Professor of Health.  

Promotion came from Dalhousie University and Mary Bryson, Senior Associate Dean, Administration, Faculty Affairs & Innovation and Professor, Department of Language and Literacy Education, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia.  

Session speakes included Jacqueline Gahagan, PhD, Full Professor, Health Promotion Division, Faculty of Health, Dalhousie University Shirin Heidari, PhD, Founder of GENDRO Sizulu Moyo, PhD, Research Director, Human Sciences Research Council of South Africa Cara Tannenbaum, MD, Scientific Director of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Institute of Gender and Health. 

Learn more here: https://www.cpha.ca/sites/default/fil… https://www.cpha.ca/sites/default/files/uploads/webinars/2021-06-15-sgba_webinar_deck.pdf 

Event recording : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8HCRnlLlUY&ab_channel=CanadianPublicHealthAssociation 

Webinar: Sex and Gender Equity in Research and Publication 

8 June 2021 | Organiser : ABEC Brazil

ABEC Brazil, a Diversity Equality and Inclusion Policy (DEI) supporter, invites to the webinar Sex and Gender Equity in Research and Publication, with Shirin Heidari, President of GENDRO, dedicated to promoting gender and gender equity in research. Shirin will present the motivations for considering sex and gender in research, provide an overview of the SAGER (Sex and Gender Equity in Research/EASE) guidelines, and indicate concrete steps to support authors, reviewers and editors to improve sex reporting and gender in academic publication. 

Event recording : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5XIxYee5rQ&ab_channel=RobertoABECBrasil-DOI 

Webinar: Sex and gender considerations in research 

11 May 2021 | Organiser: EASE

The speaker for the workshop was Dr. Shirin Heidari, President of GENDRO and Founding Chair of the EASE Gender Policy Committee. The workshop provided an overview of the poor reporting of sex and gender dimensions in research published in academic journals, resulting in a gender knowledge gap that is increasingly recognized. To address this issue, the EASE Gender Policy Committee developed the Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) guidelines, which have been adopted by numerous journals and publishers and translated into several languages. 

Co-organized with GENDRO, the workshop aimed to present the rationale for considering sex and gender in research, offer an overview of the SAGER guidelines, and provide concrete steps for authors, reviewers, and editors to enhance gender reporting in scholarly research and publications. 

Event recording: https://ease.org.uk/product/ease-webinar-sex-and-gender-considerations-in-research/ 

Public Event: Challenges and prospects of Gender Equality 

25 March 2021 | Organiser: ONResearch 

ONResearch, the research platform of EU Business School, hosted a special virtual panel discussion on the Challenges and Prospects of Gender Equality as a part of Women in Business month.  

This high-level panel provided a platform for both the free exchange of ideas and discourse on the tactical challenges and prospects of gender diversity and society at large, and specifically in business. Panel guests came from EU Business School, the World Health Organization, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, and GENDRO. 

Event recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mi54iHGF3w&t=1740s&ab_channel=ONResearch-EUBusinessSchoolResearchPlatform 

Online Seminar : The data wave in global health: What are the implications for human rights? 

10 December 2020 | Organiser: Global Health Centre, Graduate Institute 

The speakers for the roundtable included Meg Davis, who served as a Special Advisor for Strategy and Partnerships at the Global Health Centre and as a Course Coordinator at the Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies; Carmel Williams, the Executive Editor of the Health and Human Rights Journal; Sharifah Sekalala, an Associate Professor at the University of Warwick; and Shirin Heidari, a Senior Researcher at the Global Health Centre and the Founding President of GENDRO. The discussion was moderated by Ryan Whitacre, a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Global Health Centre. 

The roundtable focused on the transformative potential of data-driven technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the health sector, which promises advancements in diagnostics, screening, treatment, and beyond. Big data, digital tech, and AI are anticipated to play crucial roles in realizing social rights, facilitating social mobilization, and identifying health disparities, discrimination, and inaccessibility. However, the utilization of data, AI, and technology in global health raises significant questions about human rights, including how to ensure rights during the digital wave. 

These pertinent questions formed the basis of a special section in the December 2020 issue of the Health and Human Rights Journal. During the roundtable, the contributing editors and authors delved into these questions, particularly in relation to the Black Lives Matter movement and the ongoing pandemic. 

Event recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGX0zzyKvGA&ab_channel=GenevaGraduateInstitute