Research in forced displacement: guidance for a feminist and decolonial approach

Research in forced displacement: guidance for a feminist and decolonial approach

Neha S Singh, Michelle Lokot, Chi-Chi Undie, Monica A Onyango, Rosemary Morgan, Anne Harmer, Jane Freedman, Shirin Heidari

The Lancet – February 13, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has deepened inequities and undermined health, human rights, and gender equality for forcibly displaced populations. The United Nations Refugee Agency estimates that, at the end of 2019, there were 79·5 million people forcibly displaced as a result of persecution, conflict, violence, human rights violations, or events seriously disturbing public order. Evidence about the needs of these populations is crucial to tailor effective and equitable responses, but data collection efforts are faced with considerable new challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many researchers are attempting to overcome such challenges by collecting data remotely, but doing so creates ethical and practical concerns that risk perpetuating gender, racial, and other inequities.

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VIEWPOINT An Invitation to a Feminist Approach to Global Health Data

VIEWPOINT An Invitation to a Feminist Approach to Global Health Data

Shirin Heidari, Heather Doyle

Health and Human rights Journal – December 08, 2020

The notable gendered socioeconomic, health, and human rights implications of COVID-19 have sparked a renewed conversation on gender data gaps and the risks of gender-blind responses that ignore structural determinants of health and undermine social justice goals. Higher mortality among men, disproportionate social, economic, and health effects on ethnic and racial minorities, high infection rates among the predominantly female health workforce, the rise in violence against women and people of diverse sexual orientation and gender identities, the heavy burden of unpaid care on women, and diminished access to essential services such as sexual and reproductive health services are some of the factors that bring to the fore the urgency of capturing disparities and delivering a gender transformative and equitable response to the pandemic.

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Towards the real-time inclusion of sex- and age-disaggregated data in pandemic responses

Towards the real-time inclusion of sex- and age-disaggregated data in pandemic responses

Shirin Heidari, Claudia Ahumada, Ziyoda Kurbanova, GENDRO Gender, Evidence and Health Network

BMJ Global Health – August 31, 2020

Early data provide evidence that sex and gender are important factors that intersect with each other and with other social determinants to influence susceptibility and vulnerability to COVID-19. Sex and gender, along with other key variables such as age, can influence disease progression, outcome and access to services, as well as social, psychological and economic impacts. Similar patterns have been observed in other global outbreaks (eg, HIV, Ebola, Zika) where a complex interplay of gender and other dimensions of vulnerability have resulted in disparate health outcomes.

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Research in forced displacement: guidance for a feminist and decolonial approach

Sex and gender analysis for better science and health equity

Shirin Heidari and Vivienne C Bachelet

The Lancet – October 27, 2018

Despite growing recognition of the imperative to address gender disparities and inequity in health, researchers, funders, and editors do not treat the gendered aspects of health research and practice as a priority. It is unacceptable that members of the scientific community, who are putatively committed to rigour and objectivity, undervalue the importance of the gender bias in academic research and neglect to act.

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