Conference presentation : Inclusion of Sex and Gender Instructions to Authors and SAGER Guideline Recommendations Across Highest Impact Oncology Journals  

2-6 June 2023 | Organiser : American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) 2023

As part of an effort through the Lancet Commission on Women, Power and Cancer, an analysis was carried out to examine the extent to which the top-ranking oncology journals incorporated their SAGER guidelines or other languages regarding the inclusion of sex and gender considerations in the instructions to authors of the journals. The findings were presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), one of the largest conferences centered around conquering cancer through a threefold approach involving research, education, and the promotion of the highest quality and equitable patient care. ASCO focuses on promoting lifelong learning for oncology professionals, supporting cancer research, enhancing the environment for oncology practice, ensuring access to quality cancer care, fostering a global network of oncology expertise, and educating patients with cancer.   

Event website: ASCO Conference 2023

Workshop: Gendering scientific publications (“Train the Trainers”)

19 May 2023 | Organiser : MINDtheGEPs

In May 2023, trainers from various organizations partnered with MINDtheGEPs gathered in Belgrade to deliberate on gender considerations in scientific publication, encompassing both research themes and teams. The workshop aimed to formulate guidelines for gendering scientific publications to inform the European research community. GENDRO’s president, Dr Shirin Heidari, was invited to provide keynote regarding the significance of the SAGER guidelines in addressing gender biases in research and discussing the importance of such considerations with other distinguished speakers including Dr Isabel Goldman, I&D officer at Cell Press, and Londa Schiebinger the John L. Hinds Professor of History of Science in the History Department at Stanford University and Director of the EU/US Gendered Innovations in Science, Health & Medicine, Engineering, and Environment Project. 

During the workshop, the European Commission’s stance on gender equality in research was discussed, setting the stage for the development of the guidelines. The session covered perspectives on gender equality for researchers and management levels, including insights on gender dynamics in teams and themes from publishers and editors. The training involved a workshop segment where participants delved into different perspectives, capturing the viewpoints of students, junior and senior researchers in SSH and STEM, reviewers, editors, and gender equality educators. 

Event website: Gendering scientific publications – second MINDtheGEPs Train the Trainers workshop

Workshop: RE-IMAGINE an inclusive gender equal future for research and innovation

19 April 2023 | Organiser: INSPIRE

INSPIRE is Europe’s Centre of Excellence focused on inclusive gender equality in research and innovation. It serves as a hub where scholars, equality experts, practitioners, and trainers can connect, share resources, and collaborate on new initiatives. Twenty-eight participants, including GENDRO members, took part in the workshop in Berlin, Germany. They engaged in creative exploration and reflection on their vision for an inclusive, gender-equal future in research and innovation. Organized by Dr Elizabeth Pollitzer, co-founder and Director of Portia, and guided by Dr. Carolin Ossenkop and Dr. Claartje Vinkenburg. The workshop facilitated discussions, idea exchanges, and various activities aimed at shaping a positive trajectory for gender equality in academia. 

Event website: Inspire Holds High Level Workshop in Berlin  

Meeting: Sex and gender considerations in current research ethics guidelines and research ethics committees’ work

2 February 2023 | Organisers: GENDRO and CIOMS

GENDRO and CIOMS jointly convened a meeting with key stakeholders, including the World Medical Association, Council of Europe, World Health Organization, representatives from research ethics committees, research institutions, and the pharmaceutical industry. The focus was on the crucial role of Research Ethics Committees (RECs) in addressing gender bias in research with human participants, using the SAGER guidelines as a valuable tool. CIOMS’ Secretary General Dr. Lembit Rägo initiated a dialogue on the role of RECs in strengthening sex and gender considerations in health research. GENDRO’s President, Dr. Shirin Heidari, underscored the concern of inadequate incorporation of sex and gender considerations in research and credited the success of the SAGER guidelines in raising awareness and improving reporting. Emphasizing the responsibility of every gatekeeper in the research ecosystem, including RECs, Dr. Heidari stressed the need for proper integration of sex and gender considerations throughout health research. 

Dr. Abha Saxena, an independent bioethicist, presented findings from a scoping review conducted as part of GENDRO’s working group on gender and research ethics, revealing a lack of evidence on sufficient attention to sex and gender dimensions in the work of RECs. 

The meeting facilitated consensus-building on the importance of a unified approach among all stakeholders in the research ecosystem to enhance the inclusion and meaningful consideration of sex and gender in research. The meeting concluded with proposed actions and a collaborative path forward, committed to by GENDRO and CIOMS. 

Read the full report here.

Press release : Building back better – towards a gender-responsive international instrument for pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response

Press release : Building back better – towards a gender-responsive international instrument for pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response

13 June 2022 | GENDRO and 22 civil society and academic partners

Civil society and academic institutions urge governments to ensure gender equality, equity and human rights figure in the new International Instrument for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.

GENEVA, SWITZERLAND (13 June 2022) – A coalition of 22 civil society and academic partners, convened by GENDRO, issued a Consensus Statement on 9 June, urging Member States to ensure a gender responsive international instrument for an effective and equitable prevention, preparedness and response to future pandemics.

The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the global health landscape and has shown the necessity of revisiting response mechanisms to global health crises. It has also created an opportunity to build on momentum to critically reflect on persistent gender biases and inequalities that continue to exacerbate inequities and injustices.

As an International Negotiating Body (INB) is guiding the multilateral negotiations of a new international binding instrument to optimize a coordinated response to future global health emergencies, GENDRO and partners are appealing to INB and Member States to ensure an equitable and gender responsive pandemic response that leaves no one behind. They further call for key aspects pertinent to diverse women’s health, uninterrupted and non-discriminatory access to sexual and reproductive health services, timely prevention and response to gender-based violence and accountability mechanisms for zero tolerance against sexual harassments and abuse, to be explicitly articulated in the new instrument.

“At times of crisis, gender inequalities and social inequities are exacerbated and vulnerable populations are pushed further down margins. The gendered implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on women and girls and other marginalized groups are still palpable and are likely to be long lasting. We need to ensure that a gender, equity, and human rights lens is at the heart of the negotiations and ultimately embedded as an integral and cross-cutting theme in the new instrument” said Dr Shirin Heidari, founding president of GENDRO, at a civil society and Member State dialogue, co-hosted by GENDRO and the Permanent Mission of Canada to UN in Geneva on Thursday, 9 June 2022.

“Constructive dialogue about how to ensure gender, equity and human rights needs to start now as the INB begins its important work. In preparing for the next pandemic, we need to make sure no one is left behind” reiterated Tamara Mawhinney, Minister Counsellor at the Permanent Mission of Canada to the UN.

The Consensus Statement is currently endorsed by 22 organizations and a growing number of individuals are signing on. The key recommendations of the Consensus Statement were presented to the Member States at the event. Recommendations include the critical role of gender-sensitive data and evidence as basis for equitable policies and effective response that leaves no one behind. The group call on countries to strengthen their health information systems and invest in quantitative and qualitative research on diagnostics, therapeutics, prevention and protective measures, as well as social and economic implications to generate evidence that includesintersectional gender dimensions. The Consensus Statement further draws attention to specific elements, such as the need for ensuring uninterrupted access to sexual and reproductive health services, timely prevention and response to gender-based violence and due attention to the health and wellbeing of health workers.

Public health responses, including emergency measures must be legal, proportionate, necessary, and non-discriminatory and the gender implications must be considered prior to the imposition of any rights limitations in public health or emergency measures. Finally, meaningful participation of diverse groups of voices, including from organizations focusing on feminist approaches and gender equality from around the globe, through a transparent and inclusive process, must be guaranteed and it is imperative for an effective, acceptable, and successful pandemic preparedness.

GENDRO is welcoming other individuals and organizations to join as signatories to its statement.

Additional Resources

Consensus Statement here


GENDRO is a non-for-profit, non-governmental, independent association registered as a charity in Geneva, Switzerland with the mission to advance equity through the integration of sex and gender dimensions in research across disciplines. Our vision is to work collaboratively with partners, identify gaps, strengthen capacity, generate evidence, and advocate for academic research and any forms of knowledge production to create more equitable solutions to the societal challenges of our time. To learn more about GENDRO please visit our website.


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