15 June 2021 | Organiser : Canadian Public Health Association
This webinar offered an overview of the purpose of Sex and Gender Based Analysis (SGBA), its application to public health, and provided an overview of some key examples from a forthcoming book on SBGA in Public Health (https://www.springer.com/us/book/9783…) edited by Jacqueline Gahagan, Professor of Health.
Promotion came from Dalhousie University and Mary Bryson, Senior Associate Dean, Administration, Faculty Affairs & Innovation and Professor, Department of Language and Literacy Education, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia.
Session speakes included Jacqueline Gahagan, PhD, Full Professor, Health Promotion Division, Faculty of Health, Dalhousie University Shirin Heidari, PhD, Founder of GENDRO Sizulu Moyo, PhD, Research Director, Human Sciences Research Council of South Africa Cara Tannenbaum, MD, Scientific Director of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Institute of Gender and Health.
Learn more here: https://www.cpha.ca/sites/default/fil… https://www.cpha.ca/sites/default/files/uploads/webinars/2021-06-15-sgba_webinar_deck.pdf
Event recording : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8HCRnlLlUY&ab_channel=CanadianPublicHealthAssociation