Beyond COVID-19, the case for collecting, analysing and using sex-disaggregated data and gendered data to inform outbreak response: a scoping review

McKinzie Gales, Emelie Love Yonally Phillips, Leah Zilversmit Pao, Christine Dubray, Clara Rodriguez Ribas Elizalde, Shirin Heidari, Marie-Amelie Degail, Marie Meudec, M Ruby Siddiqui, Simone E Carter.

BMJ Global Health – January 19, 2025

Understanding sex and gender differences during outbreaks is critical to delivering an effective response. Although recommendations and minimum requirements exist, the incorporation of sex-disaggregated data and gender analysis into outbreak analytics and response for informed decision-making remains infrequent. A scoping review was conducted to provide an overview of the extent of sex-disaggregated data and gender analysis in outbreak response within low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).

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