Webinar: Sex As a Biological Variable (SABV) Policy and Sex-Inclusive Research: Making Progress, Taking Stock, and Visioning the Future

30 November 2023 | Organizer: National Institutes of Health, Office of Research on Women’s Health

This special session was organized by the NIH Office of Research on Women’s Health, Sex and Gender in Health and Disease (SGHD) Scientific Interest Group (SIG). The primary focus of the webinar was to delve into the impacts of sex (as a biological variable) and gender (as a social construct) on health and disease throughout the lifespan. The webinar facilitated a conversation to look back at the progress made, and new ongoing efforts and have a forward-looking conversation on how to accelerate progress. following the insightful presentation by Drs. Natasha A. Karp (Biostatistics Director at AstraZeneca) and Barbara Stranger (Professor at the University of Chicago), and Shirin Heidari (President of GENDRO), provided an overview of the development of the SAGER guidelines and its success to date and its potential to driving systemic changes in the research ecosystem.

Learn more here.

Watch the webinar recording here.

Lecture: Sex and Gender Dimensions in Public Health 

29 November 2023 | Organizer : Boston University Overseas Public Health Programme

Through a partnership with the Boston University Overseas Public Health Programme in Geneva, Switzerland, GENDRO offers regular lectures aimed at the importance of understanding and incorporating sex and gender aspects and their intersection with other determinants of health, equipping future public Health professionals with the necessary tools for a more gender responsive and inclusive public health approach.  

Public Event: Dying for Life, Are Mothers Still a Global Health Priority?

27 November 2023 | Organizers : The International Geneva Global Health Platform, Concept Foundation, Geneva Health Forum, The Gender Centre of the Geneva Graduate Institute and GENDRO

The event raised critical questions about the prioritization of maternal health and the potential impact on global health priorities from a gender lens and as a question of gender equality, discussing why despite the preventability of PPH-related deaths, progress has stagnated. The forum, following the recent launch of a Global Roadmap by WHO and partners, delved into examining gender, health, and leadership, addressing the persisting challenges in global efforts to combat PPH-related maternal mortality. The perspectives of care from the field, including insights from a midwife from the Philippines, amplified the priorities and highlighted how supporting the women’s health agenda and investing in women’s groups and agencies can have a notable impact.  

Learn more about this event here.

Watch the event here.

Workshop: SPARKS! Digital technologies for health must prioritize gender equality and human rights: towards an end-to-end Intersectional Feminist Approach 

22-24 November 2023 | Organizers : GENDRO and affiliated partners, hosted by the IdeaSquare at CERN

This workshop convened thought leaders, experts and feminist and human rights advocates from diverse disciplinary backgrounds to a dynamic and interactive workshop hosted by CERN Ideasquare as a follow-up to SPARKS! Serendipity Forum organized by CERN. The idea of the workshop was conceived by Shirin Heidari, Meg Davis, Flávia Schlegel, Els Torreele, and Sonia Trigueros, with support from Claudia  Marcelloni. The workshop was facilitated by Nadene Canning. 

The workshop’s objectives were to allow in-depth conversations about the pressing concerns related to biases and risks related to gender, diversity, equity, and human rights in digital technologies and artificial intelligence for health. The intention was to facilitate a conversation on how intersectional feminist principles and lenses applied end-to-end from research and product design to data collection and use can help avoid exacerbating the existing biases, gender divides and inequities in health, and foster human-rights informed, gender responsive and equitable tools that can ensure health equity and social justice.  

Learn more here.

CERN blog post reflecting on the workshop.

Social media about the event: LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook 

Symposium: Sex and Gender in Musculoskeletal Research  

17 November 2023 | Organizer : The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery

A presentation by GENDRO at the Conference on Sex and Musculoskeletal Research focused on the role of SAGER guidelines in fostering greater attention to sex and gender across disciplines, welcoming any measures for adoption of the SAGER guidelines by the journals in the field, encouraging editors to play a more active role in its uptake and using the guidelines as tool to promote greater attention of the sex and gender dimensions across the research ecosystem.

Read more here.