21 March 2025 | Women in Pharma

Have you ever thought about how biological sex and gender norms might influence development of different cancers and treatment outcomes?
Why do women experience worse toxicity side effects than men whilst receiving chemotherapy but have significantly better survival outcomes?
Why do non-smoking women get lung cancer at a higher rate than non-smoking men?
And what are the implications for how we should be studying cancer therapies and treating patients to optimise outcomes for the future?
Our Expert Guests:
🔹 PD Dr. Berna Özdemir – Senior Medical Oncology Consultant specialising in melanoma and GU cancer at University Hospital Bern, and founding member of the ESMO Gender Taskforce.
🔹 Shirin Heidari – Founding President of the not-for-profit organisation GENDRO and a driving force behind the SAGER (Sex and Gender Equity in Research) guidelines.