22-24 November 2023 | Organizers : GENDRO and affiliated partners, hosted by the IdeaSquare at CERN
This workshop convened thought leaders, experts and feminist and human rights advocates from diverse disciplinary backgrounds to a dynamic and interactive workshop hosted by CERN Ideasquare as a follow-up to SPARKS! Serendipity Forum organized by CERN. The idea of the workshop was conceived by Shirin Heidari, Meg Davis, Flávia Schlegel, Els Torreele, and Sonia Trigueros, with support from Claudia Marcelloni. The workshop was facilitated by Nadene Canning.
The workshop’s objectives were to allow in-depth conversations about the pressing concerns related to biases and risks related to gender, diversity, equity, and human rights in digital technologies and artificial intelligence for health. The intention was to facilitate a conversation on how intersectional feminist principles and lenses applied end-to-end from research and product design to data collection and use can help avoid exacerbating the existing biases, gender divides and inequities in health, and foster human-rights informed, gender responsive and equitable tools that can ensure health equity and social justice.
Learn more here.
CERN blog post reflecting on the workshop.
Social media about the event: LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook